JAKARTA - The Myanmar military regime charges new corruption charges against Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who is said to have received bribes of more than US $ 550,000 or around 704.79 million kyats or Rp7.9 billion.

The bribe was given by U Maung Waik, a local developer who owns Say Paing Company. Launching The Irrawaddy from the military television channel Myawaddy, he gave money separately on four occasions between 2018-2020.

"There were no witnesses in the case. However, he said there were two people who were present when he first gave money in a paper bag in 2018," said Myawaddy's report, Thursday, March 18.

During the meeting, the money given was referred to as the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation, a charity founded by Daw Aung Suu Kyi in memory of his late mother.

Suu Kyi's lawyer, Khin Maung Zaw, denied the bribery allegations made against his client. Maung Zaw considered the accusation of bribery like a joke.

The new allegations come after last week Suu Kyi was accused of accepting a bribe of 600,000 US dollars and more than 11.43 kg of gold from Yangon Regional Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein who was detained between December 2017 and March 2018.

If found guilty on both counts, Aung San Suu Kyi, now 75, will face a combined prison sentence of 30 years.

Apart from the corruption charges, Aung San Suu Kyi has also been faced with four charges from the Myanmar military regime since the last February 1 coup. Starting from incitement, impir violations and the use of walkie-talkies without permission, to violating the restrictions on COVID-19 which made him face the threat of 9 years in prison.

Daw Khin Kyi Foundation

The military regime launched an investigation into the finances of the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation last month. The move has raised concerns that it could be grounds for filing more charges against the country's de facto leader.

On Wednesday, the military regime announced through Myawaddy, that from January 2013 to January 2021 more than $ 7.9 million had flowed to the foundation's three foreign currency accounts. This includes donations from foreign NGOs, international NGOs and companies from the UK, China, US, Japan and elsewhere. .

During that period, a total of more than 36.7 billion kyats donated by 51 donors at home and abroad flowed to the foundation's 13 currency accounts in Myanmar. Of that, more than 30.6 billion kyats were withdrawn, and more than 6.04 billion kyats were retained.

The Myanmar military regime also claims that the foundation's use of money deviates from its stated goals.

"Further extensive investigations are being carried out into the cash flows, expenses and savings of the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation," the military regime said in a statement.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.

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