Hasyim Asy'ari as the former chairman of the General Elections Commission apparently not only caught in an immoral case with a Golden Woman aka the General Chairperson of the First Party of the Republic of Hasnaeni, there is a list of sanctions he has experienced while serving at the KPU. Curious about the list of Hasyim Asy'ari sanctions? Listen to the end, yes!

Hasyim Asy'ari concluded that he was tested for carrying out his actions. Moreover, the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) has imposed a permanent dismissal of Hasyim Asy'ari from his position as Chairman of the Indonesian KPU.

In a trial held on Wednesday (3/7/2024), Hasyim Asy'ari was found guilty of carrying out a violation of the election organizers' code of ethics (KEPP) for carrying out immoral acts against a woman member of the National Election Committee (PPLN) of The Hague, Netherlands.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to the defendant Hasyim Asy'ari as the leader and concurrent member of the KPU commissioner since this verdict was read out," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito during the trial, Wednesday.

In the verdict, DKPP asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to carry out the DKPP verdict no later than 7 days after the verdict was read. Hasyim Asy'ari was indeed reported to the DKPP that he was allegedly harassed by the Chairman of the Republic, Satu Hasnaeni. However, at that time, Hasyim was declared not proven to have carried out harassment against Hasnaeni.

"The facts were revealed in the examination trial, the complainant II (Hasnaeni) could not convince the argument for the complaint," said DKPP anggoya Dewi Ratna Pettalolo during the trial for reading the verdict on April 3, 2024. However, Hasyim Asy'ari concluded that the last hard warning sanction was left behind by Hasnaeni's report.

Previously, Hasyim Asya'ri was known to have repeatedly received DKPP sanctions because he was proven to have violated the code of ethics.

The following is a summary of the problems and sanctions imposed by the DKPP on Hasyim Asy'ari previously:

I. Reporting Irman Gusman (20 March 2024)

On March 20, 2024, Hasyim Asy'ari again received strong warning sanctions from the DKPP regarding the problems complained by former DPD Chairman Irman Gusman, who this year has tried to move forward again as a senator from the West Sumatra electoral district armed with the status of a former corruption convict.

Not alone, for this problem, Hasyim received a strong warning sanction along with KPU commissioner Mochamad Afifuddin. Meanwhile, 5 other Indonesian KPU commissioners were given warning sanctions by DKPP on this matter, namely Betty Epsilon Idroos, Parsadaan Harahap, Yulianto Sudrajat, Idham Holik, and August Mellaz as Defendant III-VII.

"Imposing a strong warning sanction to Defendant I Hasyim Asy'ari as Chairman concurrently a member of the KPU and Defendant II Mochammad Afifuddin as a member of the KPU since this verdict was read out," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito reading the verdict, Wednesday (20/3/2024).

II. Processing Gibran's candidacy without changing PKPU (February 5, 2024)

After that, on February 5, 2024, DKPP imposed the last tough warning sanction on Hasyim Asy'ari as the head of the Indonesian KPU for violating the code of ethics and the registration process for presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates (candidates) after the Constitutional Court (MK) decided to change the provisions for the life limit for presidential election participants (Pilpres).

Hasyim is considered to have violated the code of ethics because he processed the registration of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as vice presidential candidate, without changing the minimum age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates in KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 19 of 2023 according to the Constitutional Court Decision No. 90/PUU-XXI/2023.

"Hasyim Asyari as defendant 1 was proven to have violated the code of ethics and code of conduct for election organizers," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito when reading the court verdict in Jakarta.

III. Rules for the Number of Female Candidates (October 26, 2023)

On October 26, 2023, the DKPP imposed a strict warning sanction on Hasyim Asy'ari as a leader and a member of the Indonesian KPU for violating ethics. Because, it creates legal uncertainty behind the representation of prospective female legislative candidates to reach 30 percent, as mandated by Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections Meanwhile, 6 other commissioners of the Indonesian KPU who were also accused were subject to warning sanctions.

In this verdict, DKPP handed down a heavier witness to Hasyim because he was deemed unable to show a professional leadership attitude in the follow-up to Article 8 paragraph (2) of KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 10 of 2023.

IV. Leakage of Voter Data (14 May 2023)

In the verdict hearing held on May 14, 2024, Hasyim Asy'ari as Chair and Member of the Indonesian KPU was given a warning sanction because he was considered to have carried out ethical violations and guidelines for election organizers. These sanctions were imposed along with allegations of leakage of voter information on the Sidalih or the Indonesian KPU Voter Data Information System in 2023.

V. Travel With Gold Women

Not proven to have sexually harassed Hasnaeni, Hasyim Asy'ari was given the last stern warning for carrying out a private trip with the Golden Woman from Jakarta to Yogyakarta on August 14-19 2022 for a pilgrimage to several places.

Meanwhile, Hasyim actually pocketed a letter of assignment dated August 12, 2022, to sign an agreement with 7 universities in Yogyakarta on August 18-20, 2022 as the head of the Indonesian KPU.

"DKPP takes into account that the defendant's meeting with complainant 2 (Hasnaeni) as the general chairman of a political party that is carried out personally outside of service is an action that has the potential to create a conflict of interest," said DKPP member I Dewa Raka Sandi, in the trial of reading the verdict on April 3, 2024.

"Moreover, the joint trip was carried out in conjunction with the administrative verification of political parties for prospective participants in the 2024 General Election, where Republican Party One is one of the registrant candidates for election participants," he said again.

DKPP assesses that Hasyim is inappropriate and inappropriate to carry out this matter because he is attached to an institutional symbol. DKPP also highlighted that Hasyim has a personal closeness to Hasnaeni beyond the capacity of both parties who have an interest in holding elections.

This intimacy is evidenced by the conversations between the two of them which are evidence in the trial.

"DKPP takes into account that the actions of the defendant as the election organizer are proven to have violated professional principles by carrying out inappropriate communication with potential election participants," said DKPP member Dewi Ratna Pettalolo. Therefore, Hasyim Asya'ri was given the last stern warning witness.

In addition, for those who are curious after the 'DKPP Pecat Hasyim Asy'ar', Here's the Mechanism for Substitution of the KPU Chair'.

So after knowing the list of Hasyim Asy'ari sanctions, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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