POLOWALI MANDAR - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini expressed her emotions to the companion of the Family Hope Program (PKH) during a working visit to Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

Risma was angry because she did not receive a report about an underprivileged family named Marni (42) who lived in a small 2-times2-meter hut with his three children, over the past year in Battetangnga Village, Binuang District.

Risma was disappointed because she received information regarding the underprivileged family from the media, not from PKH's companion.

"Thank you to your media colleagues because if there is no information from you, I may not be able to find out about the condition of this family. On behalf of myself and the Ministry of Social Affairs, I would like to express my deepest gratitude so that Mrs. Marini may be saved. We don't know what will happen because the condition of the house where she lives is very dangerous for anyone, especially for the children," said Risma.

Risma's arrival to Polewali Mandar Regency to see firsthand the condition of Marini who lives in the garden in a completely deficient condition. He even went to the hut where Marini lived. After meeting with Marini, Risma then provided assistance to a house that was ready to live not far away.

The former mayor of Surabaya immediately asked Marni to pack up and take the mother of three directly to his new home.

In addition to housing assistance, Risma also provided household furniture equipment, basic necessities, street lighting, laying hens, catfish seeds, holticulture plants, fertilizers, agricultural tools and some other daily necessities.

Risma's anger did not stop there. On the way, Risma also saw that there were still some residents' houses that deserved a house renovation program but were not realized. He even questioned the performance of PKH's companions.

Risma threatened to fire PKH assistants if there were still residents who escaped the data collection. He said the goal was to come to Polewali Mandar to see firsthand the condition of residents living in the forest and provide housing assistance and several other assistance.

"There are several options. Now, we have chosen this option to provide home assistance for him so that he can live with his children. There are complete household equipment, such as mattresses, pan stoves and others as well as eating utensils and clothes as well as game tools for children," he explained.

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