DIY - Kulon Progo Resort Police (Polres) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) revealed cases of alleged smuggling 80 thousand lobster clear seeds.

Kulon Progo Police Chief AKBP Nunuk Setiyowati said the lobster seeds worth Rp1.6 billion belonging to the suspect DW from Buleleng, Bali were about to be smuggled into Vietnam via Yogyakarta International Airport.

"The evidence that we confiscated was a bottle containing 2,000 preserved lobsters, and others," said in Kulon Progo, DIY, Tuesday, July 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said 80 thousand clear lobster seeds had been released on Pantai Baru, Bantul Regency.

The chronology of the disclosure of the case, namely two officers from the Fish and Plant Quarantine Center in YIA, received AVSEC information that there were two suspicious suitcases on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at around 17.30 WIB. Based on the X-Ray examination, it is suspected that it contains lobster clear seeds (BBL).

Then, officers from the Fish and Plant Quarantine Center coordinated with Customs and Excise, and AVSEC opened the suitcase, and it was true that there were 80 thousand tails in it.

"The suspect was arrested in Denpasar, Bali," he said.

Nunuk said that the suspect DW was subject to Article 27 number 26 in conjunction with Article 27 number 5 of Law Number 26 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law which is Article 92 in conjunction with Article 26 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries or Article 80 in conjunction with Article 16 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries or Article 87 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal Quarantine, Fish and Plants.

"The threat is 8 years," he said.

Nunuk appealed to the public regarding the smuggling of BBL, which is an illegal act and damages the ecosystem.

"The public is advised to be involved in preventing the smuggling and arrest of lobster clear seeds," he said.

Meanwhile, suspect DW admitted that he had carried out smuggling twice through YIA. The first effort was made with his colleague, a foreign national whom he called "Mister Ko".

"Initially he knew Mister Ko when he first carried out smuggling," he said.

DW was promised a salary of Rp. 5 million as a BBL courier. However, he admitted that he did not know how much fuel was smuggled, because he only received it in the form of a suitcase.

All documents such as passports to tickets that are now secured as evidence are also prepared for DW. Unfortunately, secondly, he failed and now has to arrest him in detention.

"Since it was secured until now there has been no communication with Mister Ko," said DW.

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