JAKARTA - Former General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) Said Aqil Siradj assessed that the granting of mining business permits (IUP) for religious community organizations (ormas) in Indonesia could be a kind of reciprocity to religious organizations. The General Chairperson of the Islamic Ormas Friendship Institute (LPOI) assesses that the services of religious mass organizations in Indonesia such as Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah have helped deliver the development of Indonesia since before its independence until now. "They (ormas) have not received ghanimah or blessings from this independence. We always worship continuously, always serve, (but) have never received ghanimah or blessings," Said Aqil Siradj was met in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2, confiscated by Antara.

Said Aqil personally admitted that he supports the Indonesian government's policy in granting mining business permits for religious organizations in Indonesia. "The government's way of providing facilities for mining concessions is very good," he said. However, Said Aqil assessed that granting mining business permits to religious organizations in Indonesia must be realized in a serious way. He added that laws and regulations related to mining business permits for religious organizations must be clarified, and provide convenience for mass organizations that will manage them.

"Because mining is hard work, work that must be experienced, and again not only coal, nickel, and so on," he said.

Untuk itu, Said Aqil meminta kepada Pemerintah RI untuk segera melakukan pertemuan dan diskusi antara pemerintah dan ormas keagamaan, sebagai bukti konkret keseriusan pemerintah dalam memberikan izin usaha pertambangan untuk ormas keagamaan di Indonesia."Coba pemerintah buktikan (kebijakan ini) bukan cuci piring, tetapi betul-betul kebijakan pemerintah dalam rangka pemerataan," ujarnya.

"Not only pleasantries, everything, the facilities then the ease of rules is also clear, and not the land that has been taken the 'broil'. Really (the land given) is still good, and must also be forever," said Said Aqil.

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