The mutilation case that had shocked the people of Garut is currently still under investigation. Although one suspected perpetrator has been arrested, the police are still investigating the motive for this incident.

Garut Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha explained that the perpetrator of the murder of R (23), a resident of Cisompet District, Garut Regency, had been arrested by the Garut Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"Yes, it is true. The crime scene (TKP) has been processed. God willing, the handling can go well. We have arrested the alleged perpetrator and the process is still ongoing," said the police chief, Monday, July 1.

He said that if his party could not conclude the motive of the alleged perpetrator. "But now the Garut Police Satreskrim has explored it. Please pray, hopefully this case can be revealed." Yonky said.

Meanwhile, until now the victim's body is still at Dr Slamet Hospital, Garut Regency for an autopsy. The reason is, the police are still investigating the identity of the victim and his connection with the perpetrator. It is known that the perpetrator who was arrested was suspected of being a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ).

The perpetrator's action went viral on social media when he led the victim while tying him up before mutilation was carried out.

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