JAKARTA - Residents of Cilincing Urban Village, North Jakarta hope that the procurement of Rice Automated Teller Machines (ATM) at Rukun Warga (RW) 02 can attract the attention of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

"If possible, pay attention to Mr. Anies (Baswedan). He is a Jakarta resident. Of course if he comes to visit, we will be happy," said RW02 Chairman Abidin Yani, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 17.

Procurement of Rice ATM is an initiative of RW02 residents independently. The ATM machine was purchased for Rp. 18 million from RW cash collected by 15 RTs, Juru Jentik (Jumantik), Dasawisma and RW 02 area donors.

Abidin said, residents of RW02 Kelurahan Cilincing, North Jakarta would be very proud if the initiative received direct attention from the Governor of DKI Jakarta. "Especially if Mr. Anies visited him in person, of course it would add to the enthusiasm of the residents," he said.

Previously, RW 02 Kelurahan Cilincing launched an independent food security program called ATM Beras to ease the burden on local residents due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Head of Cilincing Urban Village, Sugiman, said that the launch of the Rice ATM was carried out at the RW 02 Secretariat Office.

"This program is a form of innovation in meeting food needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic for underprivileged people affected by the pandemic," said Sugiman on Jalan Cilincing Baru, North Jakarta, Monday, March 15.

Sugiman said that the idea of establishing a Rice ATM was the result of a deliberation by RW management to create a food security program in the region.

The goal is to help ease the burden arising from the SARS-COV-2 virus. There is also the prime target of the rice distribution program, which are elderly people (seniors) over 60 in the underprivileged category.

"Based on the results of the deliberations of the Head of RW, RT, cadres of Jumantik (Jumantik) and Dasawisma observers, we finally got the idea of a rice ATM for the elderly, elderly and underprivileged residents. The donors are the administrators," said Sugiman.

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