JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo asked the Indonesian Police (Polri) to be an example and build good communication with the community in line with an improved image on the 78th Bhayangkara Day.

In remarks at the 78th Bhayangkara Day Commemoration Ceremony of 2024 in the National Monument Area, Jakarta, Monday, President Jokowi who acted as Inspector of Ceremonies appreciated the National Police as the second best institution in the latest Kompas Research and Development survey.

"I am happy that some of the latest surveys show a better image of the Police, even occupying the second highest rank. We should be grateful for this and must be maintained and improved with good public communication, by being an example, by building service ethics that is oriented towards the people," said President Jokowi when giving a ceremony mandate.

According to the President, the National Police has a central role in society and is always in touch with people's daily lives.

The Head of State emphasized that the National Police is close and in the community, so that all movements and actions of the National Police are very observed.

"The National Police has no holidays, the Police are everywhere, no area has been missed, but on the other hand, it means that the people are also looking closely at all the movements and actions of the Police," said the President.

The President added that the challenges faced by the National Police were not getting easier, both in terms of geopolitical, technology and climate.

"Everything is getting more complicated and full of uncertainty," added the President.

Therefore, the President requested that the Police be more agile, adaptive and have a strategic perspective.

The TNI and Polri ranks at the top as institutions that have the best image in the community, based on the results of a recent survey released by Litbang Kompas in June 2024.

The results of the Kompas Research and Development survey for the period of June 2024 recorded an assessment of the image of a number of state institutions, namely the first rank of the TNI with a score of 89.8 percent, followed by the Police with a score of 73.1 percent.

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