JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) conveyed clarification regarding a baby boy with the initials MKA in Sukabumi City, West Java, who reportedly died after undergoing a vaccination program.

Reporting from the Ministry of Health report reported by Antara, Sunday, June 30, the Post-Immunization Adverse Event (AEFI) experienced by a 2-month-old 28 baby occurred several hours after getting immunizations with four types of vaccines.

The vaccine is a Bactile Calmette-Guerin (BCG) type for tuberculosis (TB), DiFTeri-Pertussis-Tetanus-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (DPT-HB-Hib), Polyo droplets and Rotaviruses for the prevention of diarrhea.

From the results of an investigation conducted by the Regional Committee (Komda) of KIPI, West Java and the Sukabumi City KIPI Working Group together with the Sukabumi City Health Office said that the baby was born with the help of a midwife and had received vitamin K as well as a hepatitis B vaccine.

However, after being born, the baby, who is almost 3 months old, was never taken to the Puskesmas. He was only brought back by his parents when he was 2 months and 28 days old to Posyandu to get immunization.

The immunization given by health workers to MKA babies is a double immunization, namely the provision of vaccines of more than one type of vaccine in one visit.

Giving immunizations with 4 types of vaccines (BCG, DPT-HB-Hib, Polio, Rotavirus) to complete its immunization status and pursue immunizations that have not been obtained.

At the time in Posyandu, there were 18 children who received immunizations that day and there were 3 children who received the same four types of vaccines as the late baby MKA, and are currently in good health.

After receiving immunization, the baby MKA returned home. At that time, the baby's condition was normal and then did not last long to show weakening symptoms of the body. Seeing that the child's condition was abnormal, the baby's parents immediately contacted the puskesmas.

Health workers immediately came to the MKA Baby's house, and were finally rushed to the hospital for further help.

"The first aid was given because the immunization officer immediately came to the deceased's house and took him to the hospital to provide further assistance," said KIPI Komda Chairman Kusnandi Rusmil.

Unfortunately, said Kusnandi, when he arrived at the hospital, MKA's baby's life was not saved and was declared dead. The baby's death was reported to have occurred on June 11, 2024.

Due to the death of the MKA baby, the deceased's family wanted the baby's death to be investigated further.

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