JAKARTA - The leadership of Commission X of the DPR regrets that the case of breaking into the National Data Center (PDN) database has resulted in data of 800,000 prospective students who are registrating for the Smart Indonesia Card (KIPK). As a result, the announcement of the prospective recipient of the KIPK must be postponed. "I deeply regret that the data can be lost and this is of course related to the PDN which is currently being hacked," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR, Dede Yusuf when contacted by VOI, Friday, June 28. According to Dede, the case of hacking PDN must be a lesson for the government in the digitalization era. If the government has not been able to secure the data, then the application of big data is only a discourse. "When the government is not ready to carry out data security, then it is also not ready for us to do 'BIG DATA'," said Dede. "And this must be a lesson that we must understand, going forward to digitalization. Data security capabilities are very important," added the Democrat politician. The West Java electoral district legislator also regrets that the Ministry of Education does not copy or back up the data of millions of students in Indonesia. Dede said, the Ministry of Education and Culture should be more careful to store the data of students, especially servers used in collaboration with other countries. "Secondly, I am very sorry, why, because dikbud does not make data backups on data, so many of which involve the data of millions of students in Indonesia," said Dede. "Moreover, if we still use servers or software whose nature is working with other countries," he concluded. Previously, information related to the impact of the case of breaking the PDN database against 800 thousand prospective KIPK registrants was quoted from the @ndorakukang account on the X page. The account mentions, as many as 800 thousand KIPK registrant students have verified and selected the names of prospective students who are entitled to receive KIPK. The plan is that the Ministry of Education will announce it on July 1, 2024.
However, because PDN was hacked and all KIPK registrant data disappeared, the announcement was postponed until an undetermined time limit. Even though the lecture period is about to start. In fact, the loss of data on 800 thousand prospective KIPK registrants can be avoided if copied or backed up. However, the Ministry of Education and Culture's request was not fulfilled by the authorities, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Culture is trying to get the system back to tens and the announcement of KIPK registrants can be rescheduled.
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