PURWAKARTA - Online gambling practices damage a number of aspects of people's lives, including household matters. In Purwakarta, West Java, the Religious Court handling divorce cases found that there were many divorce lawsuits due to online gambling cases.

Ironically, one of the divorce lawsuits filed by the wife of a police officer who was annoyed by the actions of her husband who was addicted to online gambling.

Since January 2024 until now, the Purwakarta District Religious Court has handled 950 cases, with 789 of them related to divorce. More than 70 percent of divorce cases were filed by the wife.

The Purwakarta District Religious Court stated that of the 789 divorce cases, 60 percent were caused by economic problems.

"The series of cases were filed due to online gambling problems, including a divorce suit filed by the wife of a police officer," said Public Relations of the Purwakarta Regency Religious Court, Tibyani, Wednesday, June 26.

Previously, the government through the Online Judi Eradication Task Force included five provinces with the highest number of online gamblers in Indonesia, namely 535,644 with a transaction value of Rp 3.8 trillion.

This of course has a direct impact on the high number of divorce cases as a result of online gambling practices that damage the joints of life.

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