JAKARTA - The Instagram account of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka has been flooded with comments from netizens following the Arkham case some time ago. Through his Instagram @arkham_87 i, this man from Slawi, Tegal gave a scathing comment.

"What does he know about football, but only when he was given a position", wrote Arkham on Instagram @garudarevolution. Arkham commented on the post regarding Gibran's wish for the Menpora Cup semifinals and finals to be held in Solo.

Netizens then protested through the comments column in the upload of Gibran @gibran_rakabuming about a simulation video for preparations for school opening with face-to-face learning.

"My suggestion is, sir, I don't know who this is on whose orders. But if someone is arrested after criticizing public officials, it means it's no longer a democratic country anymore, I feel that it's safe for me to criticize public officials now. The Indonesian state is like entering a semi-authoritarian country, this is my opinion, don't let me get caught because of comments like this. It could be my opinion is wrong", wrote @yog **** _ quoted Wednesday, March 17.

"You have to learn Democracy from SBY or Anies Baswedan bro, not from your father, this is a suggestion, if you don't like it, you can block my account, but don't report it to the police", commented @arie _ ****

"loss of freedom of speech a little bit", @bobbywah ****

Gibran did not give any response to the netizen protests. Clarification actually came from the Surakarta Police who explained that Arkham was not arrested.

The police ask netizens to be observant and thorough in reading the news, not just blind comments.

"Nobody has been arrested ... Read the correct news", replied the Surakarta Police, @polressurakarta

"No one has reported ... no one has been arrested ... just be reminded that your comments contain hoax elements, don't get you imprisoned, let's apologize here so it's safe to not be able to imprison you", said @polressurakarta

Gibran has apologized to Arkham. For the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), slanderous comments, bullying has often been received but have never been reported to the authorities.

"I have often been bullied, insulted. I have never reported a single one, you know. All of them are forgiven for blaming me, my family, father, mother, all of them are forgiven", said Gibran as reported by the Youtube news channel of Surakarta, Tuesday, March 16.

Even responding to bullies on various social media platforms, Gibran admitted that he was not hurt. Everything will be taken casually.

Only, he reminded netizens to be wiser in surfing on social media. "Netizens is wiser. Once again, I have never been hurt, take seriously, or reported", he explained. Gibran also invited netizens to criticize his social media pages. All criticisms will be properly accommodated by the Solo City Government.

"Criticism, we all accept input. I am open, relax", he explained.

The owner of the @arkham_87 i Instagram account, Arkham, finally apologized after giving a frivolous comment to the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Arkham was caught writing a comment on Instagram @garudarevolution about 'What does he know about football, just because he was given a position in response to Gibran's wish for the Menpora Cup semifinals and finals to be held in Solo.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said that his party explained Arkham when he visited the police station.

The regional election in Solo was carried out through a long mechanism, involving many parties and through a democratic process. As a result, Arkham's comment was completely wrong.

"There is an election organizer there, namely the KPU, there is an election supervisor, Bawaslu, there are all of them. That the position of the regional head is not a gift but a democratic process, involving all citizens who have the right to vote", said Chief of Police Ade Safri as quoted by Youtube channel, Surakarta news, Tuesday, March 16th.

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