PAPUA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri reminded regents to deputy regents in the region not to be fond of leaving the region. The goal is that government services to the community run well.

"Do not let the village be abandoned, leaving the area outside the area so that government services become stuck," said Inspector General Fakhiri in Timika, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 16.

In 2020, 11 districts in Papua Province held Pilkada. Of the 11 districts that hold Pilkada in Papua Province, 8 districts have selected the elected cabup-cawabup pairs.

3 elected cabup-cawabup pairs were sworn in on March 3 in Jayapura by Papua Governor Lukas Enembe who was represented by the Deputy Governor of Papua, Klemen Tinal.

"Later there will be the inauguration of four more elected candidates, while the other 3 regions are currently resolving the Pilkada dispute at the Constitutional Court, if I'm not mistaken the trial will be on March 19 to March 27, 2021," explained Inspector General Fakhiri.

Based on intelligence considerations, said the Papua Police Chief, there are several areas that are considered prone to conflict.

In this regard, the Papua Police Chief has asked for the strengthening of three Brimob SSKs (Company-level Units) from the Police Headquarters to help the Papua Police anticipate security in three areas that are being processed by the Constitutional Court dispute over their Pilkadanya.

"I really hope that events like yesterday's Asmat will not happen again. Of course we have to prepare steps to anticipate the potential for chaos after the Constitutional Court decision," said Inspector General Fakhiri, who has only served as Kapolda Papua for two weeks replacing Komjen Paulus Waterpauw.

The Papua Police Chief emphasized that the Pilkada democratic party process had been completed. Because of that, he hopes that all elements of society in all districts administering Pilkada must sit together and be ready to accept whatever the Court's decision later.

"Whoever is decided by the Constitutional Court as the winner, let us respect that. We together encourage the elected leaders who have been inaugurated or who will be inaugurated to work to develop their regions," said Inspector General Fakhiri.

The Papua Police Chief hopes that all elected leaders in the Land of Papua will always be present and be in their respective regions to provide the best service to the people who have given confidence during the simultaneous regional elections in 2020.

"Hopefully they all have the heart to work in their respective regions. I am sure they can do it, whether they want it or not. But as Kapolda who is also a native Papuan child, I am obliged to encourage all officials in the Land of Papua to take care of their village and provide the best service for the people, "he said.

The Papua Police Chief warned that he would act decisively in order to enforce the law if anyone played around in carrying out the mandate and trust of the people.

"I will not resign in order to enforce the law," said Inspector General Fakhiri.

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