A group of gangsters carrying sharp weapons (sajam) targeted a residential area in the Kelapa Dua area, Tangerang Regency. One resident's motorbike, who at that time wanted to buy cigarettes at a grocery store, had become a victim of the gangster group's seizure.

The victim named Arabia said the incident occurred on Friday, June 21, in the early hours of the morning.

"That's right, the one who lost my motorbike. So he borrowed the motorbike at me to make it to the shop where he came to me. I asked my motorbike, where my friend said he was taken by a gangster," said Arabia when confirmed, Sunday, June 23.

Arabia explained that the incident began when the victim Dafa and his friend wanted to go to a grocery shop around the scene using his motorbike. Suddenly dozens of gangsters came using motorbikes and carrying a sickle type knife.

"Then my friend was shot with firecrackers and want to be stabbed. My friend immediately got off the motorbike, the motorbike was taken by a gangster," he said.

He explained that actually at the time of the incident there were other residents at the scene. But what is the power, the number of gangster groups is more and carries a knife, so residents around the scene fled.

"Residents on the run too," he said

Arabia hopes that this case can be thoroughly investigated by the police. Because this action, apart from the disappearance of a motorbike belonging to a friend, they are disturbing local residents.

"I hope the police move quickly. Because this is very disturbing. They hang out at dawn," he said.

Public Relations of the Kelapa Dua Police, Aipda Angga, said that his party was investigating the gangster case.

"Still investigating," he said

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