The joint apparatus controls 120 street vendors (PKL) who sell along the Pasar Minggu area, Bengkulu City.

Head of the Bengkulu City Satpol-PP, Yurizal, said that his party had given a notification letter asking street vendors to move to the prepared place, namely the Modern Traditional Market (PTM). "Approximately 120 traders have been brought under control. Before carrying out the control, they had planned several meetings with related agencies and gave notification letters to all traders who sell along the way," he said in Bengkulu, Friday, June 21, which was confiscated by Antara. He said, after the control, his party sent a team to guard the area for some time to the future.

Previously, the Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) of Bengkulu City had prepared a selling place at the Modern Traditional Market (PTM) for 200 traders who sell on Jl. KZ Abidin or in front of the Mega Mall Bengkulu area. "Disperindag has prepared land for land transfer for traders on Jalan KZ Abidin. We and PTM managers have provided a place for 200 traders," said Secretary of the Bengkulu City Industry Office Firjoni Aprianto. With the provision of selling locations inside PTM, traders can sell at that location so that the road area at KZ Abidin can return to its function properly. Meanwhile, the Bengkulu Satpol-PP continues to carry out regular control in the Panorama Market area of Bengkulu City. In addition to controlling traders, the Bengkulu City Government also asked buyers to park their vehicles while shopping in the Panorama Market area.

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