BENGKULU - The Bengkulu City Education and Culture Office (Dikbud) emphasized that schools in the area are prohibited from selling uniforms during the 2024 new student admission period (PPDB). This is in accordance with the rules in Article 181 and Article 198 of Government Regulation Number 17 of 2010 concerning Educational Management and Implementation. "We prohibit school principals from selling uniforms, except for school uniforms such as batik clothes and sports. Like it or not, the school coordinates but does not sell," said Bengkulu City Education and Culture Head A. Gunawan in Bengkulu, Wednesday, June 19, was confiscated by Antara. Then, in Article 12 paragraph (1) Permendikbud Number 50 of 2022 that school uniforms for elementary and secondary education students explain if the procurement of school uniforms is the responsibility of parents.

So that the procurement of elementary school-level uniforms (SD) and junior high schools (SMP) is not the responsibility of schools or madrasas. He explained that there is a regulation to prevent monopoly and inflation or corruption in uniform prices that can harm students' parents. "Every student is given the freedom to buy their respective uniforms. It is not permissible for students to buy uniforms through schools," he said.

Therefore, his party continues to disseminate and supervise so that this policy runs effectively to ensure all schools comply with the regulation. Continue Gunawan, Bengkulu City Education and Culture also emphasizes that public schools are not allowed to withdraw money from students. "There should be no withdrawal of money in public schools. Because at this time there is sufficient School Operational Assistance (BOS) to finance all school needs," he said.

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