PAPUA - The Port Authority and Port Authority (KSOP) Class I Sorong, Southwest Papua used the Indonesian Integrated Monitoring System On Navigation or I-Motion application to oversee the shipping flow of ships in the area. Acting KSOP Class I Sorong, Ronal Mayaut explained that prior to the use of this application, officers from KSOP routinely used patrol boats to supervise the shipping flow of ships. "Now there is a circular from the Director General of Transportation so that we carry out surveillance, then we coordinate with navigation for the use of the I-motion application, so now we have used I-motion," he said in Sorong, Southwest Papua, Wednesday, June 19, confiscated by Antara. Through the I-motion application, officers no longer need to go down using patrol boats to carry out surveillance. Only by opening the I-motion application from the office can monitor the ships at Sorong Port. "We have used the application since last year. So for example, there are ships anchored in the shipping channel, from the room alone, I can already know this is the ship A," he said. One of the advantages of using this application is very effective and efficient supervision, both from time efficiency and fuel oil.

"So there is no need to waste energy and oil to carry out surveillance, just stay from the office through the application," he said.

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