JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of the alleged violation of the health protocol, Rizieq Shihab, pointed to a sentence written on paper. Rizieq showed the paper during the trial process.

Initially, Rizieq, who attended the online trial, submitted a complaint because the internet connection was often cut off. Thus, the voices of the judges, public prosecutors (JPU), and attorneys were not heard.

Then, the judge decided to postpone the trial for a while. The goal is to improve the communication system.

Until finally, the panel of judges decided to postpone the trial until Friday, March 19.

However, the prosecutor asked the panel of judges for the opportunity to continue this trial. This is because in this trial it was only for the reading of the indictment.

"Permission, Your honor, if we are also given a chance (the trial is continued). Because this trial is only reading, permission is given time", said the prosecutor.

However, because the voice at the trial was not heard, the statement of the other prosecutors was not clear.

Until finally, Rizieq Shihab, who previously appeared to be talking to someone next to him, suddenly picked up a paper containing writing. He also showed the contents of his writing.

"Not heard", said Rizieq Shihab's writing.

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