Surabaya - General Chairperson of PP Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, invites all elements of society to jointly fight hate speech by strengthening digital literacy, coinciding with the commemoration of International Day against Hate Speech.

"Against hate speech, it can be done through education and media literacy and information, knowing about the rules for freedom of expression to overcome the root causes of hate speech, and actively conducting cross-checks," said Khofifah in a statement in Surabaya.

According to him, today's society is very easily provoked by hate speech spread through social networks. The rapid development of technology provides the freedom to upload various kinds of content, which can contain hate speech or hate speech.

"From the upload, the various goals range from spreading hoaxes, triggering conflict, and dividing. We as internet users and social media must fight hate speech that is increasingly rampant," he added.

Based on a survey of Indonesia's internet penetration by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII 2024), East Java ranks second as the province with the largest number of internet users on the island of Java, with a total of 34.06 million users.

Khofifah also emphasized the importance of filters in fighting hate speech. People must have the sensitivity to understand which content leads opinions to divide and invite hatred.

The Governor of East Java for the 2019-2024 period explained that the impact of hate speech should not be underestimated. Hate speech often triggers conflicts that if allowed to endanger peace, undermine unity, and hinder development.

"In addition to preventing ourselves and the immediate environment from producing hate speech, what we can do the easiest is not to easily spread hate speech content," said Khofifah. He emphasized the importance of the principle of "screen before sharing" to stop the spread of hate speech.

Khofifah also emphasized that the online environment has become an echo space for hate rhetoric. Therefore, he advised the public to strengthen digital literacy as part of global citizenship education.

"Overcoming hate speech, both online and in real life, becomes easier when a person is equipped with adequate knowledge and skills to identify and ward off hate speech. Let's fight hate speech and strengthen national unity," concluded Khofifah.

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