JAKARTA - Various reports of problems related to the implementation of Hajj in 2024 have now been received by the Chairman of the Supervisory Team (Timwas) of the DPR RI Muhaimin Iskandar.

Launching ANTARA, Tuesday, June 18, Muhaimin explained that one of the main problems is air conditioners (AC) that do not work in many locations.

"There were many reports that came in, the first was the death of AC everywhere," he said.

In addition, tents for Indonesian pilgrims that exceed capacity. According to him, the tents provided were unable to accommodate the number of pilgrims, and were not equipped with adequate mattresses.

"The Overcapacity of the tent, there is no mattress. This must all be calculated," he emphasized.

The Indonesian House of Representatives' Hajjwas Team also found that there were placements of congregational tents that were not in accordance with the predetermined maktab. Supervision is still ongoing, especially when the congregation carries out the procession of throwing a qabah jamrah in Mina.

Previously, Gus Muhaimin revealed that there was a delay in bus transportation carrying pilgrims from the funeral home to Arafah. The introduction of pilgrims scheduled for the morning is delayed until noon and evening. This certainly disturbs the comfort and smooth running of the congregation.

"Some of the findings obtained by Timwas will be evaluated," he said.

Timwas Haji DPR plans to form a special committee (pansus) to evaluate these findings and find the best solution to improve the quality of Hajj services in the future.

Gus Muhaimin hopes that the results of the evaluation can be an important input to improve the quality of Hajj services in the future for the convenience and smooth running of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims.

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