Surabaya National Mosque Manager Al Akbar Surabaya (MAS) received a 1 ton cow as a sacrificial animal from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be slaughtered on Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijri. MAS Public Relations, Helmy Myor, stated that the president's sacrificial cow weighs 1,010 kilograms, 156 centimeters high, and is five years old.

"The sacrificial cow from the president is a PO or ongole type weighing 1,010 kilograms, 156 centimeters high, and five years old," said Helmy.

The white cow was obtained from a farmer named Teguh from Takerhardjo Village, Solokuro District, Lamongan Regency, East Java.

In addition to cows from President Jokowi, MAS also received sacrificial animals from the Acting Governor of East Java Adhy Karyono and Acting Secretary of the East Java Region Bobby Soemiarsono. The cow belonging to Acting Adhy Karyono weighs 950 kilograms, is five years old, and has a height of 151 centimeters. This cow was obtained from a farmer named Subandi from Genilangit Village, Poncol District, Magetan Regency.

"For the cattle belonging to the East Java Provincial Secretary, Bobby Soemiarsono, the type of ongole is 850 kilograms and the height is 146 centimeters. The farmer is named Teguh, whose address is the same as that of farmers from President Jokowi's cattle," added Helmy.

Meanwhile, the sacrificial animals from the Governor of East Java for the 2019-2024 period Khofifah Indar Parawansa were cows from a cross between limousines and angus weighing 1,150 kilograms or 1.1 tons, and 1.6 meters high. This cow was obtained from a farmer named Jamil Achmadi from East Katol Village, Kokop District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura, East Java.

"We also received sacrificial animals from the Kapolda, Pangdam, Pangkoarmada, and other forkopimda officials," he said.

The procession for slaughtering sacrificial animals will be carried out on D+1 of Eid al-Adha, which is on Tuesday 18 June. The distribution of sacrificial meat will be carried out through Pagesangan and Menanggal Villages by referring to data on poor families (gakin) that have been verified by the local RT/RW, without distributing coupons.

Helmy added, "The distribution of sacrificial meat is carried out through Pagesangan and Menanggal Villages, referring to the Takin data verified by the local RT/RW. There is no distribution of coupons."

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