JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi symbolically handed over 10 cows for the celebration of Eid al-Adha 2024 which is the result of collaboration between work units within the Ministry of Communication and Information.

"This (Eid al-Adha) celebration is also a moment for us to share happiness, because every sacrifice that is distributed may be a blessing and foster the value of brotherhood," said Budi Arie Setiadi through his official statement in Jakarta, Saturday.

The celebration of Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated every year by Muslims, must be interpreted with gratitude, togetherness and empathy between religious communities in Indonesia.

Minister Budi Arie hopes that the values contained in sacrificial worship can become a work culture for employees within the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

"So that we can continue to bring blessings and benefits to the nation and state, bring blessings and benefits to the community, and bring blessings and benefits to as many Indonesian people as possible," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Usman Kansong as the Chief Executive of the Implementation of Sacrifice within the Ministry of Communication and Informatics gave high appreciation to the work units that were willing to participate by providing sacrificial animals.

"We would like to express our gratitude that this year's Eid al-Adha momentum, the work unit participated in the implementation of the slaughter of sacrificial animals," he said.

According to him, the slaughtered sacrificial animals will have good quality and health. This is because the animals have gone through various examinations and have also met the requirements in Islamic law.

"The sacrificial animals will later be slaughtered, have gone through the selection process to ensure the quality and health of those who have been examined are free from disease in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Islamic law," he said.

In its implementation, the slaughter of sacrificial animals from Kominfo will be carried out at slaughterhouses, then the sacrificial meat will be distributed to employees in the Kominfo environment on Wednesday (19/06/2024) as conveyed by the Director General of IKP of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

The symbolic handover was carried out to DKM At-Taqwa Kominfo and slaughterhouses. Details of the sacrificial animals handed over came from the participation of the Minister of Communication and Information 1 cow, the Secretariat General 1 cow, the Directorate General of IKP 2 cows, the Directorate General of SDPPI 1 cow, the Directorate General of PPI 1 cow,

The Directorate General of Aptika 1 cow, BPSDM 1 cow, BAKTI 1 cow, and from the working partner of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk 1 cow. The event was witnessed by high-ranking leaders of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, DKM At-Taqwa Kominfo, and employees of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

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