Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that eradicating illegal online gambling activities (judol) and online loans (pinjol) must involve all ministries in the country.

"Handling the eradication of online gambling and illegal online loans needs to be done comprehensively and involves all ministries," said Budi Arie Setiadi through his official statement received in Jakarta on Saturday.

According to him, online gambling activities, which are currently very disturbing and have a negative impact on the people who fall into it, are closely related to illegal online loans.

"I've said many times that these are illegal loans. These are 'brothers and sisters'! Both of them are brushed off!' he said.

He continued that the Decree (SK) for the Establishment of an administratively completed Online Judi Eradication Task Force (Satgas). According to him, President Joko Widodo will soon sign so that the Task Force can move to eradicate online gambling.

The signing was carried out by the President, when the ministers who were members of the task force gave and expressed approval. This eradication is carried out so that people do not fall into activities that have a negative impact on their lives.

"The procedure is for all Ministers of Paraf, later it will be left by the President. Earlier I was initial before I came here. The chairman is the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Deputy Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, I am the Head of Prevention, the Chief of the National Police, the Head of Law Enforcement," he explained.

The Minister of Communication and Information reiterated that the existence of the Online Judi Eradication Task Force is an effort to handle online gambling comprehensively.

"Anyway, we ensure that the eradication of online gambling and illegal online loans must be comprehensive. It can't be half-hearted, all lines must work together," he concluded.

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