SOLO - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka admire the Surakarta Police Chief, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak for his persistence in holding a Community Disease Free Operation (Pekat) in the Surakarta area.

Concentration includes gambling, liquor (alcohol) to commercial sex workers (CSWs) being eliminated by the police to create a safe and peaceful city of Solo.

"The Chief of Police doesn't have a break! I really salute him, he doesn't take a break every day, he is diligent", Gibran told the media crew, as reported by the Youtube news channel in Surakarta, Tuesday, March 16.

Gibran added that the eradication of community diseases is by the 100-day program of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. He ensured that the work program of the regional police would be in line with the National Police.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) added, before being inaugurated, he did intensively report public complaints about gambling, alcohol to prostitutes. The police chief responded well to this report by holding Pekat regularly.

"Before the inauguration, I told the Police Chief that the residents' complaints were like, for example in the Gilingan area the complaints were like this, in Kestalan-Banjarsari complaints. This complaint was immediately responded to by the Police Chief".

"The police chief doesn't have a break, I really appreciate it", continued Gibran.

For information, members of the Surakarta City Police and their staff arrested and investigated 36 female commercial sex workers (CSWs).

The community disease operation (Pekat) was carried out in two locations in the Solo area, namely Kestalan and Gilingan, Banjarsari, Solo, on Saturday, February 27 evening.

"36 female sex workers are being checked for identity and there will be guided at the Panti Karya Wanita Laweyan Solo. The majority of them are from residents outside Solo, some from Sukoharjo, Semarang, and the Madura e-KTP (ID card)", said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Sim Continak in Solo reported by Antara, Sunday, February 28.

In particular, the Head of Police, Ade Safri, expressed his gratitude for the intense activity of receiving support from the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. The mayor of Surakarta, who was traveling to monitor the city of Surakarta, took the time to stop by to provide support for this intense operation.

The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming, and his entourage went to the security gathering point and immediately asked if any Solo residents were involved. Residents who are secured in the operation will be nurtured.

The police chief explained that in the Kestalan Banjarsari area, the officers managed to secure 17 prostitutes on the streets. Then proceed to the Gilingan bus terminal area as many as 19 prostitutes were secured. Total 36 people.

The 36 detained prostitutes were taken to the Surakarta Police Headquarters for identity checks and then coaching was carried out to be handed over to Panti Karya Wanita Laweyan Solo.

The police chief explained that the Surakarta Police and the police in his ranks carried out concentrated operations covering women in street prostitution, gambling, and liquor which was carried out in the Solo area.

"Enhanced Routine Activities (KRYD) in the "No Days Without Raids" (THTR) program.

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