JAKARTA - Vatican authorities said on Monday March 15 local time, priests and other priests of the Roman Catholic Church could not bless same-sex unity. And, such a blessing is invalid if done.

This decision was taken in response to practices in some countries, such as the United States and Germany, where parishes and priests have begun to bless same-sex unity in lieu of marriage, and are calling on bishops to de facto institutionalize this.

In response to formal questions from dioceses about whether this practice is permitted, the Vatican's doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), issued a verdict: "Negative", according to Reuters.

"Pope Francis approved the response. This is not intended as a form of unfair discrimination, but rather a reminder of the truth of the liturgical rites," explained the CDF.

It is said that such blessings are not allowed, even if they are motivated by a sincere desire to welcome and accompany homosexuals and help them grow in faith. The Roman Catholic Church has 1.3 billion members.

The CDF records say, because marriage between a man and a woman is a sacrament and the blessings associated with the sacrament of marriage, they cannot be given to same-sex couples.

"For this reason, it is illegitimate to give blessings to relationships, or partnerships, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage, as in the case of union between people of the same sex," explains the CDF.

At least two German bishops, including Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, who is one of the pope's top advisers, have expressed support for some kind of 'pastoral' blessing for the union of same-sex couples.

But the Pope's approved CDF record rules this out.

“The presence of positive elements in such relationships, which are in themselves valued, cannot justify this relationship and make it a valid object of ecclesiastical blessing. Because the positive elements exist in the context of the unity which was not ordered to the Creator, "the note explained.

Last year, the Vatican had to move to clarify comments attributed to Pope Francis about the civil union law in a documentary, saying the law was taken out of context. And it does not signal a change in Church doctrine on gays or support for same-sex marriage.

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