JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has imposed disciplinary penalties or sanctions on its officers who collect Rp50 thousand extortion from a pickup car driver on Jalan Daan Mogot Raya.

"The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has taken disciplinary action against the officers in the video for violating the provisions," Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syaripudin told reporters, Tuesday, June 11.

The officer named Slamet Riyadi is subject to a third moderate disciplinary sentence regulated in Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline (PNS).

The sanctions are in the form of lower-level demotion for 1 year, as well as an additional 30 percent cut in employee income (TPP) for 12 months.

This sanction was decided based on the results of the examination of Slamet after the case went viral on social media.

"The process of deepening the incident and examination has been carried out thoroughly on the officer concerned," explained Syaripudin.

Previously, a viral video on social media that recorded a DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency officer harassing a pickup driver on Jalan Daan Mogot Raya, West Jakarta.

The video was uploaded by the romancesopirtruck Instagram account. The video was recorded by the driver who was asked for extortion. In the video, you can see Slamet's face wearing a light blue Dishub uniform with an orange vest.

The driver's pickup test letter (KIR) has expired. Heard, Slamet asked for Rp50 thousand in peace money.

"Just understanding there. If the officers already understand, here. I already understand. So just stay there, just understand," said Slamet.

"Just give 50 (one thousand rupiah) for cigarette money," he continued.

The angkot driver admitted that he did not have more money to pay Rp50 thousand. He only holds Rp52 thousand to fill up gasoline and eat.

"I'm just holding this Rp 52 thousand, sir. Here, sir. You still have the heart to ask for this, sir?" said the pickup driver who was sitting in the passenger seat beside the driver.

Slamet claims he has been kind because he only asked for Rp. 50,000 instead of driving a pickup to be brought to the Dishub office.

"That's if I know so I have more heart. Immediately cage the car. If you know the law there. The driver knows me here a lot. I'm the best person," Slamet replied.

The video ended because Slamet realized the pickup driver was recording their conversation.

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