TANAH BUMBU - The Education Office (Disdik) of Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Province, provides special policies or regulatory concessions to participate in online learning for students who are in flood-affected areas. "We have instructed all principals of kindergarten and junior high school levels in Tanah Bumbu Regency to provide concessions to flood victims so that they can participate in online or online learning," said Head of the Tanah Bumbu District Education Office Amiluddin in Batulicin, Antara, Tuesday, June 11. He said the Tanah Bumbu District Education Office imposed the policy in effect from Saturday, June 8 to the next week by eliminating all schools affected by the flood. Even if the environment is not affected by flooding, the school will continue to provide concessions for students to take part in the online learning process. According to Amiluddin, this policy is an effort to minimize the risk of flood disasters that occur in several areas of Tanah Bumbu Regency, such as Satui, Kusan Hulu and Teluk Kepayang sub-districts. "Do not let reports of students being dragged by floods due to forcing themselves to go to school, so that this policy is set as well as easing the burden on flood victims," said Amiluddin. Amiluddin explained that there were approximately 30 schools that temporarily suspended learning activities due to floods that hit several sub-districts in Tanah Bumbu. The schools affected by the flood include SDN Sardangan, SDN Satiung, SDN Satiung Salimuran, SDN Salimuran 1, SDN Salimuran 2, SDN Pulau Tanjung, SDN Beringin, SMPN 8 Kusan Hilir, SMPN 6 Kusan Hilir, SDN Lasung, SDN Anjir Baru, SDN Manuntung and SDN Tiberau Panjang. And 17 kindergarten buildings.
"Alhamdulillah, the current flood conditions have receded, and the schools that were previously affected by the flood are now starting to clean up the remaining floods, hopefully next week learning activities can be carried out normally," said Amiluddin.

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