JAKARTA - Indonesian Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto met with King Jordan Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and the two discussed the humanitarian crisis currently occurring in Gaza, Palestine.

Prabowo, in a meeting on Monday, June 10, said that Jordan is currently the most active Indonesian partner to jointly fight for the independence of the Palestinian people, especially from the threat of Israeli military aggression in Gaza.

"The Indonesian government is currently also monitoring closely the deteriorating developments in Gaza," Prabowo said, Tuesday, June 11.

He continued that Indonesia was concerned about the current crisis, especially seeing the increasing number of victims every day. The number of fatalities and injuries continues to increase. Indonesia is very concerned about the current condition of the people in Gaza who are very vulnerable," Prabowo said to King Jordan.

In the same meeting, Raja Jordania agreed with Prabowo's view. He also thanked Prabowo for his presence at a high-level conference related to Gaza in Amman, Jordania.

In Amman, Tuesday, Prabowo represented the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo attending a summit that specifically discussed the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The summit was held on the initiative of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sissi, King Jordania Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gutterias.

"This conference was held in connection with calls for a ceasefire in Gaza with the aim that heads of state can identify ways to strengthen the international community's response to the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Gaza," said Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Brigadier General TNI Edwin Adrian Sumantha.

The summit raised the theme 'Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza' or "The Call for Action for Emergency Response to Humanitarian Disasters in Gaza".

"With the presence of representatives from the Indonesian government at this conference, it is hoped that it can make a real contribution to joint efforts to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Gaza," continued Edwin, who accompanied Defense Minister Prabowo's activities while in Amman.

Di Amman, Prabowo juga didampingi oleh Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Sugiono.

On a separate occasion, Prabowo stated that he plans to use the summit to offer assistance that can be prepared by Indonesia, including peacekeepers, field hospitals, health workers, to the evacuation of victims.

"I will coordinate with the Secretariat General of the United Nations and the leaders of these countries so that Indonesia can carry out our offer of assistance," said Prabowo.

Prabowo continued to emphasize that Indonesia remained in its stance that resolving the conflict in Gaza must be by ceasefire and negotiations.

"Indonesia is also firm in supporting the independence of the Palestinian people, supporting a two-state solution, and supporting all ceasefire efforts immediately," said Prabowo.

At the summit event in Jordan, a number of countries, including Australia, sent representatives to sit down together to discuss the ceasefire strategy in Gaza. Australia sent Primary Education Minister Anne Aly to attend the meeting.

Pope Francis of the Vatican also expressed his support for the summit in Jordan. He was grateful for the ideas of the President of Egypt, King Jordan, and Secretary General of the United Nations, and called the summit an "important initiative".

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