JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo emphasized that he had never mentioned any amendments to the 1945 Constitution regarding the presidential election system. He said what had happened so far was that his party absorbed the aspirations of various community leaders.

"So yesterday I saw a lot of news twisting, perceptions which were later captured wrongly by friends with politicians and the community," said Bamsoet in a press conference after a visit to the PKB Office, Raden Saleh, Central Jakarta, Saturday, June 8.

"The first one has nothing to say from us, the leader that we have decided on the amendment. It doesn't exist," he continued.

Bamsoet also emphasized that amendments to the 1945 Constitution could not just be carried out. He said a thorough study so that improvement of existing systems could be carried out.

Moreover, amendments to the 1945 Constitution are deemed unnecessary. "Because it is appropriate and still suitable," he said.

"So what I say is to absorb what aspirations are developing in society. That's what we convey so that there should be no more miscommunication. We never convey that we will again elect a president in the MPR. Not yet because we have not heard, "explained the deputy chairman of the Golkar Party.

As previously reported, the Chairman of the MPR RI Bamsoet was reported to the Honorary Court of the Council (MKD) by Azhari, Thursday, June 6. He is considered to have stated that all factions have approved the amendment to the 1945 Constitution based on news in online media.

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