LEBAK - The Government of Lebak Regency, Banten, will realize the construction of 9 suspension bridges to boost people's economic income and open isolated areas.

"We hope that with the construction of the bridge, traffic access will run smoothly", said Head of the Lebak Regency Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office Maman Suparman in Lebak as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 14.

Lebak Regency until now has as many as 800 units of bridges, of which 422 units of suspension bridges. Meanwhile, the allocation of infrastructure development from the Regional Budget (APBD) is relatively limited.

In 2021, said Maman, the infrastructure development sector will be allocated IDR 270 billion, so the realization of the suspension bridge construction is relatively limited.

Meanwhile, Lebak Regency has a watershed with the capacity of main rivers and tributaries. In fact, the number of rivers from upstream to downstream reaches 186 rivers and 16 large rivers.

In almost all sub-districts there are suspension bridges to connect between villages. Currently, said Maman, the local government is only able to build a suspension bridge of around nine to ten units per year.

"We appreciate the concern of private companies and BUMN (State-Owned Corporation) by realizing the construction of a suspension bridge through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program", he continued.

According to him at this time, many conditions of suspension bridges were found that were damaged, perforated and porous due to age and natural disasters. To anticipate accidents, his party closed the suspension bridge which was categorized as heavily damaged.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Sukamulya Village, Cibeber District, Ardaya said that his party is grateful for the completion of the permanent suspension bridge construction built through the CSR program of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.

The construction of the Bandung Curug Iron Gelagar suspension bridge that connects Cibeber and Bayah Districts in the interior of Lebak Regency can open isolated villages and improve community welfare.

"We are sure that the construction of a permanent bridge can improve the welfare of the local community", he said.

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