JAKARTA - The process of extinguishing the fire at the Milling Station Tower E2, 2nd floor, RT 08/19, Penggilingan Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta finally began to be extinguished on Thursday, June 6, at around 17.01 WIB. "Alhamdulillah it is safe and cooling. The cause of the fire is suspected to have been caused by an electrical short circuit in the fan. The object caught fire was a Blok E flat inhabited by Agustina Yacob," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, to reporters, Thursday, June 6. As is known, the burning flat belongs to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The area burned was about 36 square meters with a total loss of up to Rp 50 million. The fire suppression process was successfully carried out by 40 firefighters with 10 fire engines. "One family head with four people was affected by the fire," he said. Previously, residents of the Milling Sub-district, Cakung Sub-district, East Jakarta suddenly panicked when they saw thick black smoke coming out of the windows of several units of the flat room on Thursday, June 6. The incident had caused the residents of the flats to geger and exit their units to leave their units to a safe location. Several residents also watched the fire incident which was only seen emitting thick smoke. Then the fire was reported to the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept.

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