LHOKSEUMAWE - The fire incident of a rumbia-based wooden house unit in Cot Trieng Village, Muara Satu District, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh caused a death toll and two other people were burned, so they had to receive intensive care.

"The fire incident was reported to have occurred on Wednesday (5/6) at around 21.30 WIB," said Lhokseumawe Police Chief AKBP Henki Ismanto through the Muara Satu Police Chief Iptu Syadli quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 6.

He said the house that caught fire belonged to Safrizal's (28) house, which was occupied with his wife Putri Irmanda (22) and her two children Fida (2) and Muhammad Kinzi who were 5 months old.

According to Syadli, when the Safrizal incident was not at home, there were only his wife and two children.

People who saw the fire from the victim's house went straight to the location to extinguish it manually, but this effort failed because the fire quickly grew.

"The authorities, including firefighters from Lhokseumawe City, also had difficulty reaching the location of the fire because of the road access that was not possible," he said.

As a result of the incident, Putri Irmanda and her two children were burned, even causing Fida to die. Currently, Putri Irmanda and Muhammad Kinzi are taken to the Padang Sakti Health Center, then referred to Arun Lhokseumawe Hospital for intensive medical treatment.

"Meanwhile, Fida's body was immediately buried in the local village public cemetery," he said.

The police suspect that the fire incident was caused by the use of burning mosquito medicine in the house. Material losses due to the fire are estimated at IDR 25 million.

On the same day, the Kuta Makmur Police, North Aceh Regency also reported the fire incident of 10 semi-permanent shophouse units at Keude Blang Ara, Krueng Manyang Village, Kuta Makmur, North Aceh.

Kuta Makmur Police Chief Ipda Fadhulillah said the fire broke out at around 18.00 WIB. Kuta Makmur Police personnel went directly to the scene to provide security and help with extinguishing efforts.

"Residents also came to help extinguish the fire and contact the fire department, then a number of fire engines arrived to extinguish the fire," he said.

According to the police chief, the incident started with a spark of a generator machine that was turned on by one of the shop owners. The fire then grew and grabbed it into other shophouses, especially adjacent clothing stores.

"There were no casualties in the incident, material losses are estimated at Rp1.5 billion," he said.

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