JAKARTA - Pegi Setiawan's team of lawyers, one of the suspects in the Vina Cirebon murder case, not only wrote to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, asking for a special case title. They also wrote to two other police generals.

The two are the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Wahyu Widada and Karo Wasidik Bareskrim Polri, who are known to be one-star generals or Brigadiers General.

"So we include this letter so that a special case is held here, there are 3 letters. First, a letter to the Karowasidik Bareskrim Polri, then the second Head of Bareskrim Polri, the third is to the National Police Chief," said lawyer Pegi Setiawan, Toni RM to reporters, Wednesday, June 5.

In the application letter, Toni said that his party also asked that the related parties be presented during the process of holding special cases, such as the reporter and several witnesses in the murder cases of Vina and Eki.

Their presence is considered to be able to make it clear and answer all question marks that develop in the alleged premeditated murder case.

"Well, we also ask for this special case title so that stakeholders are summoned. So the suspect, then we continue to provide legal counsel, then the reporter Pak Rudiana, then witness Aep, the convict witness and several other witnesses who gave statements so that our client was named a suspect," said Toni.

Previously, Toni had conveyed the purpose of the application to conduct a special case title in order to open the evidence owned by investigators in determining Pegi Setiawan as a suspect.

Moreover, said Toni, referring to the previous court decision, the fugitive is Pegi Alias Perong

"To transparently disclose two pieces of evidence, what investigators have, so that Pegi Setiawan is a suspect in the murder case of Vina and Eki," he said.

"Pegi alias Perong with the characteristics of his residence in Banjarwangunan, curly hair, in fact, he is a person who is caught (different from his characteristics)," continued Toni.

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