JAKARTA - The House of Representatives has officially ratified the Mother and Child Welfare Bill into the KIA Law on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. The KIA Law regulates the right of pregnant women to get maternity leave for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months. This is stated in Article 4 Paragraph 3 of the KIA Law which states that every mother has the right to get maternity leave for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 3 months later if there are special conditions accompanied by a doctor's certificate.

The special condition in question is that the mother experiences health problems and/or complications after childbirth or miscarriage. It can also be caused by children who are born with health problems, health problems, and/or complications.

The law also states that a mother who is on maternity leave must not be dismissed and still obtain her rights. The acquisition of these rights provided that: pregnant women who are on maternity leave for 3 months get full rights every month. And for pregnant women who are on maternity leave for up to 6 months, in the fourth month the wages received remain full, but in the 5th and 6th months they only receive 75% wages.

If the mother of birth does not get her rights or is dismissed, then the central government or local government is obliged to provide legal assistance in accordance with the KIA Law Article 5 Paragraph 3. This policy has also reaped comments from netizens.

Most comments about women will find it difficult to find work. As @lostpacker said: Wow, the company will definitely think twice about accepting female employees. or @_nniissass: fear, the risk is girls, it's hard to find work, or work requirements can't get married. and @buffy_antiseptic: don't believe it, it looks like a lot of employees who just got pregnant are immediately terminated or not renewed. Watch the video below.

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