JAKARTA - The Commission III member of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Benny K. Harman, regretted the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court which reduced the sentence of the defendant in the corruption case of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya. According to him, the verdict reflects a disparity in the sense of justice.

"Between the judge who decided the case with a sense of legal justice that lives and develops in society," said Benny through his statement received on Sunday, March 14.

The Democrat politician reminded that judges in court must really explore and dive into the sense of legal justice that lives in the midst of society so that there is no disparity in the sense of justice.

Benny emphasized that the reduced sentence showed the low concern of the judges in the court of the government's vision and mission in eradicating corruption.

"Judges seem to be standing in an ivory tower and preoccupied with themselves, even though judges should not be esoteric from the sense of justice that disturbs the public," said Benny.

Therefore, Benny asked judges in court not to become a mouthpiece for the law in adjudicating corruption cases. "The judge must answer the public's need for substantive justice," he said.

Regarding the reduction of the sentence, Benny also asked the Attorney General's Office to make an appeal.

Previously, PT. DKI Jakarta cut the sentence of Jiwasraya's Finance Director for the January 2013-2018 period, Hary Prasetyo, from life imprisonment to 20 years.

PT. DKI Jakarta also reduced the sentence of the President Director of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) 2008-2018 Hendrisman Rahim from life imprisonment to 20 years.

Then, the Director of PT. Maxima Integra Joko Hartono Tirto also gets a sentence reduction to 18 years in prison from the previous life imprisonment.

It is known that the defendants were found guilty of causing state losses of up to IDR 16.807 trillion related to the management of PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya's funds.

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