JAKARTA - ENESIS GROUP, as an Indonesian FMCG company that continues to be committed to creating a Healthy Product for Healthy Family in order to always provide quality and beneficial health products to the Indonesian people. Through its flagship product, Soffell, which has been present for 36 years and now leads the market in the anti-vows lotion category, Enesis Group implements the Corporate Social Responsibility program to help tackle Dengue Fever (DHF) and its Chikungu.

Through the "Southeast Free Village, Healthy and Movement-Free Families" program, Soffell participated in educating the public about the importance of 3M Plus to protect themselves from dengue and chikungun diseases. This step is in line with the government's efforts to strengthen awareness of public health and create a healthier and more comfortable environment for all.

The launch of this program was opened by the Regent of Jember, Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto., ST., IPU., ASEAN Eng, on Tuesday, June 4 at the Wringintelu Village Office together with the CEO of the Enesis Group, Aryo Widiwardhono accompanied by the Head of the Jember Health Service, Dr. Hendro Soelistijono and RM Ardiantara as Head of HR & Public Relations Enesis Group, and Louis Sumantadiredja as Senior Brand Manager of Soffell and Force Magic.

The Regent of Jember, Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto., ST., IPU., ASEAN Eng, thanked the Enesis Group for giving the CSR Enesis given to Jember Regency. According to him, all parties must collaborate together to eradicate dengue fever in the environment by doing 3M Plus, namely Draining, Closing, Clustering plus Daerell.

"This is an effort to avoid dengue mosquitoes. Today the most important thing is our involvement, I, the Regent of Jember, ask all of them to help each other, our citizens, our environment, we clean our environment with 3M Plus. I ask for help to all of our brothers and sisters, involve our citizens, to control each other and manage locations that are vulnerable to mosquito nests. This is also the spearhead of the Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN). It is hoped that jumantik cadres who were inaugurated today can forward to the next jumantic cadres. Hopefully, with this activity can be an encouragement for all of us by realizing Mosquito Free Villages, Healthy and Movement-Free Families. Soffell gave CSR like this to us to help save us, "said the Regent of Jember.

RM Ardiantara, Head of HR and Public Relations Enesis Group explained that the Enesis Group through the Soffell brand believes that the key in reducing dengue cases is to change people's behavior to be more concerned about health and environmental hygiene.

"Therefore, we continue to strive in a sustainable manner to provide education about PSN 3M Plus, namely Closing, Draining, Recycling and using anti-vortex lotion so that mosquitoes do not suck our blood and we can stop the growth cycle of mosquitoes," he explained.

"With a focus on the family, we recognize the important role played in maintaining health and protecting the surrounding community. We hope that this education is not just a temporary effort, but is a long-term investment so that awareness of the prevention of dengue fever will be part of daily life and can significantly reduce the number of dengue cases," he added.

Soffell's Response Steps In Preventing DHF And Chikungunya

According to the Ministry of Health, in the 18th week of 2024, there were 91,269 cases of dengue fever in Indonesia, with 641 deaths. This number reflects a threefold increase compared to the number of cases recorded in the same period the previous year.

The "Southeast Free Village, Healthy and Movement-Free Families" program is an initiative of the Enesis Group which aims to provide education on efforts to prevent dengue and chikungu directly from the community at the lowest level, namely village and family. This program will take place from June 4 to 28, 2024 in Puger and Balung sub-districts, and will reach more than 15,000 residents.

With the support from the Jember Regency Government and the Jember District Health Office, Enesis Group through the Soffell brand, has also played an active role in educational efforts by involving jumantik cadres. The main focus is to provide understanding to the public about the importance of preventing mosquito breeding measures.

Do not let mosquitoes suck our blood, through the PSN 3M Plus approach, which includes draining, closing, and recycling activities, as well as the use of anti-brush lotions that can provide maximum protection to the public from mosquito bites and transmission of transmitted diseases.

The hope is that through this program there will be changes in people's behavior by reactivating the 1st Movement of Jumantik House and increasing the habit of using anti-bow lotion consistently. We believe that these steps will have a significant positive impact in efforts to prevent dengue and chikungu.

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