BOGOR - The City Government (Pemkot) of Bogor, West Java, noted that the number of residents of Cipaku Village who were suspected of being poisoned increased from 71 people to 93 people.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah, said the number of residents who were indicated to be poisoned today increased by 19 people at the Cipaku Health Center, two people at the Melania Hospital, and one person at Juliana Hospital.

Currently, the condition of residents who are suspected of having majority poisoning is in the mild and moderate category. Meanwhile, patients with severe categories, such as dehydration, are referred to the hospital.

At least 20-44 years old, adults. There are also children, we saw five people earlier," he explained, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 4.

Syarifah conveyed that the patient referred to the hospital was a patient who was already in a state of severe dehydration and had been treated by EKG.

He emphasized that the Bogor City Government immediately referred patients to this category, so as not to be missed because on Monday (3/6/2024) afternoon one of the residents died after being referred and treated at Juliana Hospital.

"Hopefully there won't be any more additions. But from what was checked, some of them have gone to the puskesmas, but they are still feeling it, so they are being treated again," said Syarifah.

From the results of information obtained from residents, Syarifah said that each resident experienced symptoms of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea at different times.

All victims ate rice and side dishes from the haul event on Saturday (1/6) night. Most of them experienced symptoms indicated poisoning and came to the Cipaku Health Center on Monday (3/6).

"So there are those who eat at 20.00 WIB, at 21.00 WIB there are those who have vomited, their respective resilience. There are also those who are a few days later (symptomatic), some the next day," said Syarifah.

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