BOGOR - The mass poisoning that occurred in RT 1 RW 12, South Cipaku Bogor Village, Bogor City is almost certain to be caused by food. One person was reported to have died. The Bogor City Health Office (Dinkes) provided the latest update regarding the case of mass poisoning that befell 71 residents of Cipaku Village, South Bogor District, South Bogor District. "Monday at 16:00 WIB there was news that the patient died. We are still coordinating with the hospital for the cause of death, "he continued. As many as 71 residents from Cipaku Hospital, South Bogor District, Bogor City experienced mass poisoning. They reportedly experienced mass poisoning after eating food offerings given in a resident's tahlilan event. Retno said, the victims initially experienced symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. "Almost simultaneously. Currently, Puskesmas has not been able to get a patient. So only 50 cases were treated at the Puskesmas there were 8 people.3 in Juliana, 4 in Melania, one in Umi," said Retno. from the results of the search obtained, explained Kadinkes, before experiencing mass poisoning, the victims were known to have eaten tahlilan food on Saturday, June 1, 2024 night. And for the food it turned out that it had been processed the day before. "So for the week we have not been able to report, Puskesmas has not been able to get a patient. So we have only been able to increase the case report there were almost 50 people who came to the Cipaku Health Center, apparently from the results of the interview analysis having a similar history of eating at the haul event," said Sri Nowo Retno. To ascertain the cause of the residents experiencing mass poisoning, his party is currently sending samples of food eaten by dozens of residents to be tested in the laboratory.

"We sent it to the laboratory to be the cause. With it, it was indeed from the same food source at the haul event," said Sri Nowo Retno. "We cannot confirm what types of food caused the poisoning of dozens of residents. This can be revealed after the laboratory test results have been released," said the Head of the Bogor City Health Office.

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