The instructions for prohibiting the sale of sacrificial animals on the sidewalk and shoulder of the road that was intensified by the Mayor of Central Jakarta were not heeded by a number of traders of sacrificial animals in Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.

From observations in the field, it can be seen that the sidewalks that should have been used as pedestrians have now turned into sacrificial animal trade stalls.

A number of tents were also erected on the sidewalk. In fact, sidewalks are also littered with scattered soil and animal waste.

"I don't agree with the sidewalk being used as a place to trade for sacrificial animals. It's a pity that pedestrians can't pass so they have to walk on the highway and it's very dangerous," said Ahmad, one of the residents, Monday, June 3.

Ahmad said that the sub-districts and sub-districts should be able to provide a legal land place for sacrificial animals traders. The reason is, it is not justified if sidewalks are used as trading places for the sale of goat and cow sacrificial animals.

"Trading on the sidewalk is dirty. Only the dirt of the sacrificial animal also really disturbs the residents," he said.

Aditya also complained about the same thing. He mentioned the inequality between the Central Jakarta City Government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in enforcing regional regulations (Perda).








"This government is not firm in enforcing the regional regulation. The sidewalk can still be used as a place for trading sacrificial animals, this should be a place for pedestrians," he said.

Responding to the large number of sales of sacrificial animals on the sidewalk of Johar Baru District, the coordinator of the traders of sacrificial animals named Haji Bahrain said that the sale of sacrificial animals is an annual agenda.

According to him, the sale of sacrificial animals is a form of worship, so he and several traders are forced to sell sacrificial animals on the sidewalk.

"We intend to worship, because the sale of sacrificial animals is only once a year and not up to one month," he said.

In previous reports, the Central Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) (Jakpus) banned seasonal sacrificial animals traders from holding stalls on sidewalks, waterways and road shoulders.

The reason is, approaching Eid al-Adha, usually the traders of the seasonal sacrificial animals often use sidewalks for selling places.

The Mayor of Central Jakarta, Dhany Sukma, said that his party would hold discussions with the sub-district heads regarding the placement of sacrificial animals so as not to disturb public facilities.

"The determination of the sales points is based on the recommendations from the region which of course does not interfere, especially pedestrians on the sidewalk, above the water channel," Dhany told reporters, Wednesday, May 29.

In order to follow up, the Central Jakarta City Government will also carry out integrated control through a persuasive, humanist approach, but remain firm on existing regulations.

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