YOGYAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said there were many champions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This designation is for those who have succeeded in developing in the creative economy sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Of the 17 creative economy sub-sectors that we mapped, it turns out that in Yogyakarta many have become 'pandemic winners', becoming pandemic champions," Sandiaga said after meeting Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan HB X at the Kilen Palace, Yogyakarta, Friday, March 12 evening.

The creative economy actors who are called champions, according to Sandi, have succeeded in developing in the midst of a pandemic with technology, e-commerce, digital, and gaming.

"We see that e-sports, animation, and several sub-sectors in the creative economy are actually growing in Yogyakarta," Sandiaga was quoted as saying by Antara.

However, he said, there are still a number of other creative economy sub-sectors that still need a stimulus to survive and develop.

"This is what we will launch an activity that hopefully can provide new hope regarding capital, market access, and human resource improvement," he said.

In addition, Sandi also appreciated the level of compliance of the DIY community in implementing health protocols.

He hopes that the vaccination program can be prioritized for the people of Yogyakarta, who have been at the forefront of tourism development and the creative economy.

"The hope is that in the next three months, with the number of vaccines available to increase, it can be gassed for vaccination, especially people engaged in the tourism sector and the creative economy," he said.

Wejangan Sri Sultan to Sandiaga

Sandiaga Uno received a number of inputs from the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, regarding the development of tourism and the creative economy.

"Ngarsa Dalem (Sultan HB X) gave a lot of input on tourism policies and the creative economy. Of course we are now starting to foster hopes for a revival of tourism and the creative economy," Sandiaga said.

Input from the Sultan, Sandiaga said, was, among others, related to travel patterns, namely innovations in developing tourism to be of higher quality with increased length of stay (LOS).

Through this innovation, Sandiaga said, in the future the quality of tourism and tourist spending could be better.

"He gave input on the 'travel pattern', which is an innovation in tourism development so that tourism is of higher quality," he continued.

In addition, Sandiaga also asked for the support of Sultan HB X regarding the Borobudur Highland Area program, whose development includes the Kulon Progo area, Yogyakarta Special Region.

"Incidentally, it also needs a lot of support from Ngarsa Dalem (Sultan) regarding the lands in Kulon Progo so that they can be in a sustainable concept. So glamping and outdoor-based activities," he said.

Sandiaga hopes that by adopting technology, in the future it will be able to open business opportunities and be able to revive tourist villages around the Borobudur Highland area.

According to Sultan, the COVID-19 pandemic provides new experiences so that it must be responded to with a new perspective, including in tourism management and the creative economy.

"It must be developed but also have a new understanding, what is not there can be," he said.

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