JAKARTA - Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Sunday expressed his support for proposed a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza by US President Joe Biden in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages.

"In this context (Biden's proposal of agreement), I told Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) that I would provide him and the government with my full support for an agreement that would result in the release of the hostages," Herzog said via X's social media account on Sunday.

Herzog stressed that according to Jewish traditions that should not be forgotten, there is no greater order than to redeem prisoners and hostages, especially when it comes to Israeli citizens who cannot be defended and protected by the State of Israel.

"It is our duty to repatriate them within the framework of an agreement that preserves the security interests of the State of Israel," he said, as reported by Antara.

On Friday (31/5), Biden said that Israel had offered a new three-stage proposal to the Palestinian Hamas movement with a roadmap that would lead to an end to hostilities in the Gaza Strip as well as the release of all hostages.

The first phase includes a total ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli troops from all centers of Gaza's population, and release of several hostages detained by Hamas, including injured, elderly, and female, as well as the release of Palestinians detained in prison.

The second stage involves stopping timeless hostilities in exchange for the release of the remaining hostages. While the third stage of the initiative is to start the reconstruction of war-torn Gaza.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu's Office has repeatedly stated that Israel will not stop the Gaza conflict unless all its goals are achieved, including the release of hostages and the destruction of Hamas.

Netanyahu's ruling coalition partner, Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich are threatening to leave the government if a ceasefire plan is accepted.

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