JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) noted that the number of Indonesian pilgrims who died during the process of organizing the pilgrimage has now increased to 32 people.

"There are 32 congregants who have died in the Holy Land to date," said Hajj Media Center (MCH) Officer Widi Dwinanda at a press conference for organizing the pilgrimage which was attended online in Jakarta, Sunday.

Widi said that all Hajj pilgrims who died after entering the embarkation and before leaving the debarkasi would be performed.

In addition, he also reported that 154,410 Hajj candidates divided into 393 flying groups (cluters) had arrived in Saudi Arabia.

Widi also said that today as many as 19 clusters with a total of 7,485 pilgrims will be flown to Jeddah.

"Today, Sunday, June 2, 2024, there are 19 groups flying with 7,485 pilgrims being flown to Jeddah," he said, quoted by Antara.

Widi detailed that all the pilgrims departing today were dispatched through the Jakarta-Pondok Gede (JKG) Embarkation of 880 Hajj candidates (two groups), the Solo Embarkation (SOC) as many as 1,080 Hajj candidates (three groups), and the Medan Embarkation (KNO) as many as 360 Hajj candidates (one batch).

Then Surabaya Embarkation (SUB) as many as 1,113 Hajj candidates (three groups), Palembang Embarkation (PLM) as many as 450 Hajj candidates (one batch), Batam Embarkation (BTH) as many as 350 Hajj candidates (one cluster), and Makassar Embarkation (UPG) as many as 900 hajj candidates (two groups).

Furthermore, Balikpapan Embarkation (BPN) as many as 324 Hajj candidates (one cluster), Jakarta-Bekasi Embarkation (JKS) as many as 880 Hajj candidates (two groups), Aceh Embarkation (BTJ) as many as 388 Hajj candidates (one cluster), Banjarmasin Embarkation (BDJ) as many as 320 Hajj candidates (one batch), and Kertajati Embarkation (KJT) as many as 440 Hajj candidates (one batch).

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