JAKARTA - In order to be easily understood by the people of Indonesia today, which is dominated by generation Y or millennials, generation Z, and generation alpha, President Joko Widodo asked for the socialization of Pancasila to be carried out in contemporary ways.

This was conveyed by the President in his mandate as inspector of ceremonies while leading the ceremony to commemorate the 2024 Pancasila Birthday in Dumai, Riau, Saturday, as witnessed by the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube live broadcast from Jakarta.

"Now Indonesian demographics are dominated by the generation of Y' millennial generation, generation Z'gen Z, and generation alpha. Therefore, the way we socialize Pancasila must also be in their ways, in ways and practices, a real role model and use and develop Indonesian culture," Joko Widodo asked, launching ANTARA, Saturday, June 1.

The Head of State said that in the midst of the current developments, Pancasila values must be actualized and inherited in real behavior in real policies whose results are clearly and the benefits of the people are felt.

He also invited all Indonesian people to continue to uphold the values of Pancasila, show it in words, behavior and policies that are in real favor of all Indonesian people and make Indonesia authoritative in the eyes of the world.

President Widodo said Indonesia was consistent with active free politics, fighting for the independence of all nations, including the independence of the Palestinian people and fighting for world peace. This is in accordance with what is contained in the values of Pancasila.

Indonesia's role in international politics is also getting stronger, where Indonesia has succeeded in becoming the G20 leader, a successful ASEAN chairman and will continue to contribute to the world, including through the newly held World Water Forum (WWF) Summit.

In addition, said Jokowi, Indonesia also continues to strive in the world's movement towards a green economy. This choice was taken because Indonesia has great strength and high competitiveness in the green economy.

We have almost all kinds of green energy ranging from geothermal energy, solar energy, water energy, wind energy, and wave energy. We also have garden products that can be processed into biodiesel, bioethanol and bioavtur," he said. "This green energy force will invite green economic financing, produce green food and open up opportunities for prosperous and sustainable green jobs," he said.

The President also emphasized that the energy transition must be continued in stages, and Indonesia must accelerate the energy transition to green energy.

He instructed Pertamina and PLN to continue to develop green energy that increases added value in the country, which is the welfare of the community, especially the lower class, which is in line with the values of Pancasila.

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