TANJUNG SELOR - North Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda Kaltara) held an Open Session for Determination of Smoothation Towards Health Examination (Rikkes) Phase II of Integrated Admissions of Cadets/i for Fiscal Year (TA) 2024.

The open trial was chaired by the Deputy Chief of the North Kalimantan Police Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi accompanied by the Regional Supervision Inspector (Irwasda) Kombes Andria Martinus and the Head of the Human Resources Bureau (Karo HR) Kombes Yuyun Arief Handriatmo.

There were also elements of internal supervisory from the Regional Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasda), external supervisors, representatives of parents/guardians, and Candidates for Cadets (Catar) of Police Academy.

The selection of Catar Akpol at the Kaltara Regional Committee (Panda) level, in TA 2024 was attended by 29 people, consisting of 26 men and 3 women.

Catar Akpol sent from a number of Polres and Polresta ranks of the Kaltara Police have been taking a series of tests since the end of March 2024, starting from the Initial Administration Examination (Rikmin), Phase I Riskkes, Phase I Psychology, to Academic Tests, Physical Tests and Anthropometry and currently 29 people remain.

In the open trial, Panda Kaltara announced that of the remaining 29 Catar Akpol, only 18 Catar Akpol were declared Eligible (MS) or passed, consisting of 15 Candidates for Akpol Cadets, and 3 Candidates for Akpol Taruni.

Thus, only 18 candidate cadets/i Akpol have the right to take the next stage of the selection, namely the Phase II Rikkes test. While the rest, as many as 11 people, were declared ineligible (TMS) alias the death of the selection.

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