JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk through its subsidiary PT Jasamarga Tollroad Operator (JMTO) has decided to temporarily close the electronic money top-up substation as a measure to anticipate the outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19.

The temporary closure of this cash top up activity will be carried out at the toll gates of the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas and will be effective starting March 19, 2020.

In general, residents use these top-up substations to increase their electronic card balances. Transactions are made by exchanging cash with electronic card balances.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru said that the move to temporarily close top-up activities was carried out because the company prioritizes health and safety for both road users and Jasa Marga employees who work in the field.

"With the cash top up facility, there are still transactions using cash and the potential for physical contact between road users and Jasa Marga operational employees," he said, in Jakarta, Friday, March 20.

As is well known, cash is a medium that can transmit the virus. In fact, Bank Indonesia has implemented a quarantine of money deposits from banks and then sprayed with disinfectant before it is distributed back to the public.

Eliminating cash top-ups means minimizing the transmission and spread of the COVID-19 virus. This is because by closing these facilities, it can stop physical contact between operational employees and toll road users.

Heru also appealed to toll road users in the Jabodetabek area to ensure adequate balances in electronic money or e-money, so that there are no queues or interactions with other passengers.

"For example, on toll roads with an open transaction system, road users with insufficient electronic money balances and having to borrow from their rear vehicles still make physical contact in the form of borrowing electronic money. This must be avoided," he explained.

For your information, previously Jasa Marga has taken a series of actions to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the toll gate area of the Jabodetabek area. These actions include cleaning using contaminants at toll gates and rest areas, as well as provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for officers in the field.

Needs Socialization

Trisakti University Public Policy Observer, Trubus Rahardiansyah, welcomed the decision made by Jasa Marga to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in toll road areas. This decision has also been in accordance with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) 's appeal.

Even so, Trubus reminded Jasa Marga to provide socialization regarding the policy. This is because not all companies equip their employees with a full e-toll balance facility.

"This has to be socialized as well. Especially for inter-city drivers who usually carry goods such as wood, rice, and vegetables through the Jabodetabek toll road to Kramat Jati Market, to the rice market. Sometimes they are not given an e-toll with a balance. which is sufficient. Because usually they are paid after delivering the goods, "said Trubus.

"Because there are also many small companies who don't think about the e-toll. Don't make it difficult," he continued.

Trubus said, this is a good opportunity to educate the low income community (MPR) about the dangers of COVID-19 and how the virus can spread.

"Because not many of them understand," he said.

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