JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has examined the RP as Sandra Dewi's personal assistant in handling the alleged corruption case in the tin commodity trading system for the Mining Business Permit (IUP) PT Timah Tbk from 2015 to 2022. The examination was mentioned to determine the income of the wife of the suspect Harvey Moeis.

"Oh, we did the examination yesterday, to find out how much the income from elementary school brothers is and so on," said Kuntadi, Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Dirdik Jampidsus), quoted on Thursday, May 30.

The investigators' purpose and purpose in investigating Sandra Dewi's income is allegedly to map the assets of the actress

Because, it is known that Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis have advance agreements regarding the separation of assets.

However, Kuntadi did not explain in detail about the allegations. It is only emphasized again if the income of Sandra Dewi is only for clarification purposes.

"It's for the sake of clarification for official income income from SD," said Kuntadi

The examination of the RP was known to take place on Tuesday, May 28. At that time, investigators also examined three other witnesses, namely the Field Coordinator of PT Tinindo Inter Nusa, PL; Secretary of the Security Division of PT TimahTbk, SMD; and Director of PT Sarijuna Binasentosa with the initials HRT.

Sandra Dewi is said to be included in the vortex of the alleged tin corruption case. Because, her husband, Harvey Moeis, has been named a suspect.

In handling it, Sandra Dewi has been questioned twice. To be precise, on April 4 and May 15, 2024. However, his status is still as a witness.

The AGO has named 22 suspects in the alleged tin corruption case. Apart from Harvey Moeis, one of them is Helena Lim or known as crazy rich, Indak Kapuk Beach (PIK).

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