SELAYAR - The police have named two new suspects in the case of the sale of Lantigiang Island, Selayar Islands. The two suspects are Asdianti Baso as the island buyer and the former village head Abdullah.

Selayar Regency Police Public Relations officer Ipda Hasan Zulkarnain said the two were named as suspects according to the results of their case titles. The two of them were involved in the sale and purchase transaction of the Lantigiang Selayar island.

"We named two suspects after the case was held last week, namely, with the initials, Abd, the former village head and As as the buyer of the island. They have their respective roles, the former head of village, to assist the Ks who was previously named the suspect and As who bought them," said Paur. Public Relations of the Selayar District Police, Ipda Hasan Zulkarnain, told reporters, Friday, March 12.

The police charged the perpetrators with Article 263 of the Criminal Code related to document falsification. The police asked Asdianti Baso to cooperate in this legal process.

"A summons has been sent through his family, but the person concerned is not there. We ask his family and lawyers to bring the suspect to be investigated," said Ipda Hasan.

Previously, the police first determined Kasman (KS) in this case. KS is the recipient of the money to purchase the island of Lantigiang, Selayar.

Meanwhile, a businessman from Selayar Islands Regency, Asdianti Baso, once denied buying Lantigiang Island. He admitted that he only bought 4 hectares of land at a price of Rp900 million.

According to Asdianti, the land was purchased with the aim of building a Water Bungalow with an investment of around Rp25 billion. This businessman who is also engaged in tourism regrets that an island as beautiful as Lantigiang is not developed. Moreover, the island and its surroundings have 'diving spots'.

"So, I never bought Lantigiang Island, I bought land rights over the island. So it was not a certificate of ownership because as far as I know the area did not issue a certificate, so I asked for management rights to build resorts in the area," he said, Thursday, 4 February.

He explained that before buying land on the island, his party had consulted with the Takabonerate National Park Office. Even the hall said that Lantigiang Island in Selayar Islands Regency was included in the utilization zone.

"In 2017 I went to the hall to consult, the party welcomed the suggestion that Belang-Belang Island and Lantigiang Island were included in the utilization zone and it could be used, that's why I took care of it," he explained.

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