JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has yet to announce the suspect in the alleged corruption case of land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon Urban Village, Cipayung, East Jakarta. This land will later be used to build houses with a down payment or Rumah DP Rp.0, which is a program of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Although it has not been announced, based on the summons for a witness, in this case, four suspects have been named by the KPK. The first suspect is the Director of the Regional Public Company Pembangunan Sarana Jaya, Yoory Corneles, who has now been retired from his position.

Also, the KPK has named two private parties Anja Runtuwene and Tommy Ardian as suspects. Not only that, but the anti-graft commission also established a corporation, namely PT Adonara Propertindo.

The four suspects, including the corporation, were suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph 1 or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 regarding the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Ajay 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Regarding the four suspects, the KPK did not speak up. Because, from the start they conveyed, details of cases and suspects during the process of arresting and detaining the suspects had been carried out.

"As it has been stated that the KPK policy regarding this matter is that the suspect's announcement will be made when the suspects are arrested or detained", said KPK spokesman for Enforcement Ali Fikri in a written statement to journalists some time ago.

Moreover, currently, the KPK investigative team was still working on investigating this case. One of them, by conducting searches in several areas in DKI Jakarta, including the PT Adonara Propertindo office in Gandaria and the houses of those suspected of being involved in this case on Tuesday, March 9.

As a result of this search, investigators found various documents that were suspected of being related to corruption in land acquisition. Furthermore, the investigator will analyze it before confiscating it as evidence.

This is important because every handling of a corruption case at the Corruption Eradication Commission needs sufficient evidence by applicable legal regulations.

Apart from searching several places, the KPK also summoned several witnesses who were suspected of knowing the alleged corruption on Wednesday, March 10 yesterday.

During the interrogation, Ali said, six witnesses including three additional witnesses from Perumda Sarana Jaya were questioned regarding the business activities of Perumda Sarana Jaya in the purchase of several land assets.

Those examined were Fransiska Sri Kustini CB or Sr. Franka CB who is the Economist Treasurer of the Congregation for the CB Sisters of the Province of Indonesia; Manager of Procurement Services Unit for Perumda Pembangunan Sarama Jaya 2017 to October 2020 Rachmat Taufik; and a land broker, Minan bin Mamad.

Meanwhile, the three additional witnesses are Indra, Wahyu, and Yadhi who are employees of Perumda Sarana Jaya.

In fact, the KPK will also conduct examination of three other witnesses, namely Manager of the Sub Division of Accounting and Budget Sarana Jaya Asep Firdaus Risnandar; as well as Junior Manager of the Land Division of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya I Gede Aldi Pradana; and Senior Manager of the Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya Business Division from 2019 to 2020 Slamet Riyanto. However, they have conveyed their absence to investigators.

"Did not attend and confirmed to do rescheduling", said Ali.

Meanwhile, after undergoing the examination, Fransiska's attorney, Dwi Rudatiyani, who was present at the summons, stated that one of the lands that had problems with Perumda Sarana Jaya belonged to the Congregation of the CB Sisters of the Indonesian Province which had never been traded to any BUMD.

The congregation of sisters, continued Dwi, sold the land to a private party in Yogyakarta, namely Anja Runtuwene. The land sold is 41,921 square meters for IDR 104 billion, the payment of which must be completed in August 2019.

"While we have just received it twice, IDR 5 billion was transferred on March 25, 2019, and IDR 5 billion on May 6, 2019", said Dwi at the KPK's Red and White House.

With this termination of payment, the congregation decided to cancel the sale and purchase agreement that had been agreed on since October 31, 2019. A similar cancellation was also submitted to BPJB with a refund of IDR 10 billion in DP in May 2020.

However, as the buyer, the private party sued the Sisters' Congregation to the East Jakarta District Court. "Even though we are victims but (lawsuit, red) has been withdrawn as of March 4, 2020", he said.

Furthermore, Dwi said that this private party, named Anja Runtuwene, sold the land to PD Pembangunan Sarana Jaya. However, the Congregation of Sisters as the owner of the land did not know anything about this buying and selling activity.

"We do not know (to be sold again, red). We only knew when there was a call from the Criminal Investigation Unit at the end of July 2020 that the land that had not been paid was sold to PD Sarana Jaya", he concluded.

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