JAKARTA - Political observer and Executive Director of Survey and Polling Indonesia Igor Dirgantara assessed that Megawati Soekarnoputri's political speech at the V PDI Perjuangan National Working Meeting (Rakernas) did not necessarily determine this party to become an opposition to the government for the next 5 years.
Igor Dirgantara assessed that the direction of the 5th presidential speech of the Republic of Indonesia was more inclined to respond or criticize the current government. Meanwhile, the Prabowo Subianto government was only formed in October.
"It is clear whether the PDI-P position is opposition or not, not. So, the answer is not certain," said Igor quoting Antara.
According to him, the potential of the PDI-P to become an opposition is still there. However, it is possible that the party could join the government.
Igor said that this party will determine its position more firmly at the upcoming PDI-P Congress.
Moreover, he continued, Megawati and Prabowo's relationship so far has had no problems. In addition, Prabowo is currently carrying a reconciliation agenda for the sake of national unity.
He mentioned that several high-ranking PDI-P officials also said that this time the National Working Meeting did not decide whether the party would become the government's opposition or not.
"So, the PDI-P Congress can determine whether this party joins Prabowo or outside the government, so this is a political bargaining as well," he said.
Previously, PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri during Rakernas V at the Ancol Beach City International Stadium, Jakarta, Friday, said that her party's attitude towards the future government must be carefully observed, namely by listening to grassroots.
According to him, this method is for the sake of a healthy institutional democracy. In responding to politics in the future, Megawati said that the PDI-P is a political party that prioritizes control and balance.
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