Central Jakarta Metro Police arrested six teenagers who had a brawl on Jalan Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar.
"Yes, that's right, the Precision Patrol Team has arrested several people who fought in the Sawah Besar area," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 23.
The six teenagers who were arrested were AS (17), HY (16),TS (13), A (19), DM (18) and RH 18 (18). Together they were also secured by three sharp weapons in the form of long wooden sickles, two golf clubs and two cell phones (cell phones) as evidence.
Susatyo said that initially the team that was carrying out routine regional patrols crossed Jalan Pasar Baru Sawah Besar saw a group of teenagers attacking each other.
The team then dispersed the crowd of teenagers who carried out the brawl and secured those caught by several teenagers who were caught carrying sharp weapons and golf clubs.
The perpetrators and evidence were then handed over to the Sawah Besar Police for further legal proceedings.
For their actions, the perpetrators can be charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 with a threat of 10 years in prison.
Susatyo said the patrol activities of the Precision Pioneer Patrol Team were routine daily activities to maintain security and social order in the Central Jakarta area.
This patrol activity, he said, will continue to be carried out routinely in order to maintain security and public order, especially in the Central Jakarta area.
The police chief appealed to the public to be able to care about their children's association and control children's activities when outside the home so as not to become perpetrators who violate the law and victims of crimes by irresponsible people.
"Love the lives of our children if they die or are torn apart during a brawl on the streets," he said.
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